Introducing WeekToDo 2.0

Nov 30 2022

Introducing WeekToDo 2.0

WeekToDo, the Minimalist Task Planner, reaches its version 2. It has been a long journey and after a lot of work we can present you this version full of new features and with an important change in the direction of the project.

Behavior menu

Now you can manage the behavior of the application from a dedicated settings menu. This allows you to change the workflow in the application and even transform it into a planning system that works by time lines or pending tasks as decided by the user.


Visual improvements

This new version includes the visualization of tasks in a compact or extended way. The number of columns in the calendar and the custom task lists are also separated, giving the user the freedom to configure the view at will. An optional bookmark is also included for tasks with active notifications.


Improved Recurring Tasks

Now you can create frequently recurring tasks from Monday to Friday and in the recurring tasks menu the information offered has been improved, adding the days of occurrence for the tasks.


Telemetry system

WeekToDo now has a Telemetric system to report the problem in the event of an error in the application. This option is optional and can be disabled/enabled from the settings menu.


New website

For this version we have decided to create a new website, with a much more modern and faster style than the previous one. The website is in different languages ​​and you can find much more information about the project on it.


GPL-3 license and public project.

Weektodo now uses the GN Public License Version 3 (GPL-3). Unlike the MIT license, the GPL-3 preserves the essence of free software and in the event that any other user creates a copy of the software, they must preserve the open source and under the same license. With this change, the project is committed to community development and both the issues and the kanban of the project are open to anyone who wants to contribute to its development. We hope this has a positive impact on your future and growth.


This are the most significant changes in this new version, we invite you to use WeekToDo and we hope you find it useful and enjoy it. We also take this opportunity to remind you that WeekToDo is a free project that is maintained with the support of its users, here we leave you a link to the page where you can find different ways to [support the project]( us). Thank you for using Weektodo.